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An Inquiry into the Causes and Effects of the Variolae Vaccinae

Health and the People>Beginnings of Change>Edward Jenner>Edward Jenner sources>An Inquiry into the Causes and Effects of the Variolae Vaccinae

Left image: Observational drawing of case studies conducted by Jenner on whether a cowpox vaccination would stop the development of smallpox on a 5 year old boy.

Middle image: Observational drawing of case studies conducted by Jenner on whether a cowpox vaccination would stop the development of smallpox on a 6 year old boy.

Right image: Observational drawing of case studies conducted by Jenner on whether a cowpox vaccination would stop the development of smallpox. Jenner used pus from this girl’s arm to vaccinate his 11 month old son Robert F Jenner.

  • Date created - 1798
  • Author - Jenner, Edward
<p><strong>Left image:</strong> Observational drawing of case studies conducted by Jenner on whether a cowpox vaccination would stop the development of smallpox on a 5 year old boy.</p>
<p><strong>Middle image: </strong>Observational drawing of case studies conducted by Jenner on whether a cowpox vaccination would stop the development of smallpox on a 6 year old boy.</p>
<p><strong>Right image:</strong> Observational drawing of case studies conducted by Jenner on whether a cowpox vaccination would stop the development of smallpox. Jenner used pus from this girl’s arm to vaccinate his 11 month old son Robert F Jenner.</p>
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